Prepare the causal agent of the woman in the home is not so difficult – the main thing to choose the effective of the recipe.
As quickly excites women remedies

In the ancient times, in the recipe for the sexual excitation of the woman entered a special insect called shpanskoi point of look small. For the manufacture of the composition of the collected adults from the beginning of may. To do this, they used the green light of the beetles with brightness and black stripes on the back. Its drying and made of tincture of alcohol. In 1 liter of alcohol added to 20 g of chopped raw material. The composition received insisted 3 months in a dark place.
Because this insect has the toxic properties, the doctors advised him to take the tool of 5-6 drops, addition of alcoholic beverage. Respecting the dosage of this prescription is not brought damages to the health of women.
Thanks to the application of this composition can stimulate the synthesis of hormones and the production of fat. In addition, it promotes the blood flow to the genitals.
To make this composition independently, it is necessary to collect the insects in a given period may or early June. This is the time they reproduce and they evolve. It is important not to confuse shpanskuyu agree with other insects. In the middle lane has the golden gloss on the back, while the south has a reddish tint. In any case, the insects have a mother of pearl color. Same individuals do not reach a length of more than 2 cm
The customers indicate that a powerful prescription for women is part of this composition of ingredients:
- the fourth small spoon of pepper;
- half of the small tablespoons of mustard;
- 1 egg;
- 1 small tablespoon of lemon juice;
- 1 large tablespoon of tomato.
To make it more useful to the composition, all the ingredients must beat with the help of a blender. The mixture add the glass of dry wine and heat in the small fire, wait to appear the first bubbles. After this the composition ready for use. The customers indicate that the best way to drink 30 minutes before the start of sexual intercourse.
Natural causes of
To improve the content of sex hormones in women, it is recommended to consume exotic dishes. Thus, in special cases, you can afford the luxury of testicles of a lamb. Fry in the oil with the onion.
Another excellent stimulant are nuts. Customers from many women demonstrate the use of the mixture of sesame, peanut, almond, walnut. This recipe also includes honey. If you make and consume this mixture every day, tangible results can be, literally, through the week. To do this, it is recommended to take one tablespoon three times a day.

Excellent aphrodisiac which is good influence on the sexual activity, are products such as parsley, fennel, cilantro. It is also useful to use the celery and the fennel. To be effective in the composition, it is recommended to grind the vegetables and add a little olive oil. Thanks to this composition it is much better to digest.
The customers indicate that to obtain the desired effect, it is enough to eat 20 g of tools of three times a day. To do so, it is recommended to 2 weeks.
An excellent tool will be a pair of champagne glasses in combination with lunch prepared from oysters and the lemon juice. The clients confirm that it is very useful to use olive oil in combination with the artichokes.
You can also use the effectiveness of a composition in the form of erotic dessert. For their manufacturing it is necessary to take 8-10 yolks of quail eggs and beat with the honey. After adding the raspberry fresh and jam, prepared of this berry.
Meanwhile, soak in cold water with a large tablespoon of gelatin. After your swelling composition you need to put on a small fire and wait for it to dissolve. It is important that the gelatin does not boil. Then, the composition is necessary to cool and add to the mixture of proteins. To present the dish cold.
Prepare female aphrodisiac is quite simple. To achieve the desired effect, simply include in the diet of certain products or to use effective of the recipe. In any case, it is very important to respect the principle of regularity – in this case only be able to get stable results.
How to help a woman quickly excites: home remedies
The pleasure of sexual intimacy depends on the mutual needs of the man and the woman. When one or both of them feel the moral or physical fatigue, daily experience stress in the home and in the workplace, it is very difficult to tune in to the wave of love and pleasure. In these cases, with the invaluable help pathogens to contribute to the strengthening of the libido and increase vitality.
Drugs that increase sexual desire. it is not only men, but also to the beautiful ladies. Women have applied in the struggle against the frigidity, as well as to the disclosure of the sexual capacity and overcoming shyness in bed. The representatives of the beautiful sex, even those that was previously unknown sensation of orgasm, you begin to experience, taking sexual stimulants.
The causes of reduced libido in women

The lack of sexual desire is not so rare problem among the beautiful half of humanity. In the sexual desire of the ladies can affect a large number of factors, however, often the problem occurs in the background of a particular psychological state:
- Adolescence is a fears;
- boring and routine sexual relations;
- problems in couple relationships.
Aphrodisiacs have the following action in the female body:
- Improves the moisture of the vagina, which facilitates the penetration of the penis.
- Rapid stimulatory effect: the irresistible sexual desire and sexual desire occurs in a few minutes.
- The considerable increase in the sensitivity of the skin.
- The strengthening of the orgasm, which is more long and bright.
The first signs of sexual arousal in women can be observed after a few minutes after the use of aphrodisiacs. The lady becomes the most sexual and unchained, is more upsetting to the breath and harden the nipples.
With the help of aphrodisiacs that love each other partners can diversify sex life, based on it, the party and the first heat of the passions.
Therefore, stimulating of the drug were used in ancient times and that have not lost their popularity. In the middle ages tools that increase libido in women can be found only on traditional folk healers, who for many centuries have studied the mechanism of action of a few or other substances on humans.
Plants-aphrodisiacs for arousal of the woman

Jasmine. Collected from the flowers of the plant to dry, grind, and sleep in a thermos. Raw materials pour boiling water (0.5 l) and insist in a warm place for an hour, strain. Consume 1 time/day 100 ml in place of tea.
Arnica. It is necessary to take dried flowers of the plants (15 g.), grind and make boiling water (400 ml). Take a few hours before the start of sexual intercourse, 50 ml
Radiogram pink. The rhizome of the plant, grind them and pour boiling water (300 ml), to insist 2 hours in a warm place. Apply one hour before the sexual relationship of 2 teaspoons
Raspberries. It is quite effective women the cause of the infection. For the preparation of the mixture should be beat (best with a mixer), several of the quail eggs and add cereal berry raspberry (100 g.), here you have to put a bit of honey. The mixture mix well and store in a cool place (refrigerator). Received the tool to consume all the days of 10 g 2 times/day: in the meal and always before going to bed.
The plantain and nettle. The mixture of these plants is effective to excite the medium for women. For its preparation you must take the psyllium seed, and nettle in a ratio of 1:1, grind to a powder state, sleep the raw material in a glass container and add a little honey. The composition mix well and place the container in the window sill, let it sit for a week. Apply daily to 10 grams before dinner.
Ginseng. It is the most popular of the natural microorganisms that cause the women. Under its influence on the human body to produce certain biological processes that influence the increase of the libido.
The fenugreek. The use of this plant as a stimulant is a delicious way to solve the problem of decreased libido. Properties of the seeds of fenugreek is known to the ancient peoples of greece, egypt and rome. For the taste of the plant looks like a little caramel or maple syrup, is applied to the flavoring of the dishes, as well as in the spice mixture. In india, the leaves of fenugreek are eaten as greens. The tools made on the basis of the fenugreek, for many centuries are used to increase libido in both men and women, in addition, the drugs help to improve the condition of the tissues of the breast and increase the milk production in breast-feeding women. Some even claim that this is an aphrodisiac helps to increase the size of the chest.
The aloe. It is necessary to take a series of fact sheets for the plants, wash and grind carefully. Received the mush connect with honey in a ratio of 1:1, mix. Eat all the days of a spoon.
In the majority of cases, the decreased libido is not as serious as the problem and the means for their solution, are at hand almost every woman. Sometimes, the ladies to the force of circumstances, can not prepare the drug independently (elemental laziness, lack of time, etc).
However, to improve libido it is not necessary to force itself to prepare different blends and tinctures, just include in your diet certain foods.
Thanks to the natural aphrodisiac that can:
- create a mood romantic;
- relax, get the maximum pleasure;
- intensify sexual desire;
- quickly obtain powerful and prolonged orgasm;
- to free up the more tight and stesnitelnuyu to the girl;
- avoid the painful menstruation, to a pathological process of the mammary glands, genital venous stasis, frigidity, by obtaining an orgasm.
In function of the perception, natural aphrodisiacs for women can be of flavors (come into the body at the time of the meal), or obonyatelnimi (odors).
The best aromas erotic for her to be such the aroma of the oils:

- The oil of rose – turn on the woman of the passion, rejuvenates the skin, prevents its aging. Simply add a few drops of rose oil in the bathroom, lie down in it 10 minutes, enjoy floral scents.
- The oil from ylang-ylang is the most popular is an aphrodisiac, which is used in expensive perfumes and cosmetics. Soon wakes up sensuality, attraction, for its spicy and warm aroma. The oil can be added in aroma lamp or take it with him to a bathroom.
- Bergamot oil – improves mood, eliminates anxiety, the anguish, help to easily and quickly to liberarXia in the bed, relieves tension and fatigue. This oil can be used for erotic massage, as well as to add aroma lamp, aromakulon.
- Jasmine oil – helps to relax, calming, reinforces the attraction, it eliminates the coldness, the lack of harmony, self-confidence. This oil can be added in cosmetics: gel for the body, cream, tonic, shampoo, or use for massage, drip a few drops in the bath the aroma lamp.
- The oil of ginger. Many believe that ginger is a masculine fragrance, but in the same way it acts on the women. He saves from infertility, eliminates sexual impotence, makes the desired woman, woman, relaxed. Thanks imbirnomu watch the girl easier and easier to respond to the fantasies of men.
The purchase of essential oils to improve the intimate mood of women, it is necessary to take into account that only the natural oils have a powerful effect exciting. Analogs synthetic oils to increase libido are not suitable.